Sunday, February 1, 2015

The target audience for this logo is anyone that wears makeup. I think the logo is successful because the "MAX" looks like makeup pallets (foundation, eye shadow, lip gloss, concealer, etc). Which is what really drew my attention to the logo because for my makeup logo "Rouge" my first thought was something similar to this one  

This logo for investments caught my attention because of the name and color choices. The target audience is persons looking to invest in real estate. 

This logo is unsuccessful! The colors and the mega phone on the "R" are dissapointing. I don't understand who this logos target audience is. 

Simple, green for organics, the swirl of the plant is interesting. This logo is very successful in my opinion. The target audience includes coffee drinkers and organic product users. 

This logo attracted me for a few reasons; the words "The Hunt, the magnifying glass and the fat that the word "hunt" is being magnified. One of my company ideas was a chip that will help locate lost/misplaced visas and keys. Misplacing those items are literally a hunt and my idea for the logo included a magnifying glass. To me, this logo was successful and related to my product logo ideas