Monday, April 20, 2015


My animatic is based on an application idea I created, called Locate. Locate is similar to the "find my phone" app, except it has the ability to find keys and visa credit cards, as well as phone and tablets devices.

In this draft video, a woman had a great night out, got home late and had to wake up early. After she is dressed and ready to leave her house, she notices her keys are not hanging on the key board. In a panic she looks in her purse and around the room. Then she remembers that she has the Locate app! using Locate, she find her keys under some papers on the floor and she is able to leave. Locate the morning after!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Lyrical Collage

This assignment was fun, the only difficulties I had was deciding exactly what to fuse with my background image. For my text, I decided to use a verse from Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. I just love this poem and thought it matched well with the background.